Distributed Algorithms Contents Index

Hoare Triples: Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following are True?
  1. \( (\{P\} \; c \; \{Q\}) \wedge (\{P'\} \; c \; \{Q\}) \quad \Rightarrow \quad \{P \vee P'\} \; c \; \{Q\} \)
  2. \( (\{P\} \; c \; \{Q\}) \wedge ([P \Rightarrow P']) \quad \Rightarrow \quad \{P'\} \; c \; \{Q\} \)
  3. \( (\{P\} \; c \; \{Q\}) \wedge ([P' \Rightarrow P]) \quad \Rightarrow \quad \{P'\} \; c \; \{Q\} \)
  4.       {x > 10}
          if x > 0 then x = -3*x else x = 2*x
          {x < 30}
  5.       {x < 10}
          if x < 0 then x = -3*x else x = 2*x
          {x < 30}
  6.       {x > 0}
          x = x + 10
          x = 2*x
          {x > 20}

Question 2

What is the weakest precondition \(P\) that satisfies the following Hoare triple?

\( \{P\} \; x := max(x, y) \; \{x = y\} \)

Is the following a correct Hoare triple?

\( \{(x \leq 0) \wedge (y \geq 0)\} \; x := max(x, y) \; \{x = y\} \)


  1. \( (\{P\} \; c \; \{Q\}) \wedge (\{P'\} \; c \; \{Q\}) \quad \Rightarrow \quad \{P \vee P'\} \; c \; \{Q\} \)


    Execution of command \(c\) in a state in which \(P\) holds takes the system to a state in which \(Q\) holds. Likewise, Execution of command \(c\) in a state in which \(P'\) holds takes the system to a state in which \(Q\) holds. Therefore execution of \(c\) in a state in which \(P\) or \(P'\) hold takes the system to a state in which \(Q\) holds.

  2. \( (\{P\} \; c \; \{Q\}) \wedge ([P \Rightarrow P']) \quad \Rightarrow \quad \{P'\} \; c \; \{Q\} \)


    \( [P \Rightarrow True] \)

    Substituting True for \(P'\), the right-hand side of the implication becomes \(\{True\} \; c \; \{Q\}\) which states that \(\{Q\}\) holds when \(c\) terminates regardless of the state of when \(c\) is initiated. This is obviously false. For example check that

    \( \{x = 1\} \; x = 2*x \; \{x = 0\} \)

    is False.

  3. \( (\{P\} \; c \; \{Q\}) \wedge ([P' \Rightarrow P]) \quad \Rightarrow \quad \{P'\} \; c \; \{Q\} \)


    If \(c\) is executed in a state in which \(P'\) holds then --- because \([P' \Rightarrow P]\) --- \(P\) also holds in that state and so \(Q\) holds when \(c\) terminates.

  4.       {x > 10}
          if x > 0 then x = -3*x else x = 2*x
          {x < 30}


    Because the precondition \(x > 10\) implies the if-clause (\(x > 0\)), the above Hoare triple holds if the following triple holds

          {x > 10}
          x = -3*x
          {x < 30}
    We can check that this triple holds by substituting the right-hand side of the assignment statement to \(x\) for \(x\) in the postcondition: So we replace \(x < 30\) by:

    \( -3*x < 30 \)

    Which is equivalent to \(x < 10\), which is satisfied by the precondition.

  5.       {x < 10}
          if x < 0 then x = -3*x else x = 2*x
          {x < 30}


    When \(x = - 11\), the precondition is satisfied. The if-clause \(x < 0\) holds. So the assignment statement \(x = -3 *x\) is executed which makes \(x = 33\) which violates the postcondition.

  6.       {x > 0}
          x = x + 10
          x = 2*x
          {x > 20}


    Again we can verify this by working backwards from the postcondition. Substitute the right-hand side of the assignment to \(x\) for \(x\) in the postcondition; i.e. substitute \( 2*x\) for \(x\) in \( x > 20\) to get \(2*x > 20\). This is equivalent to \(x > 10\).

    Now do the same step for the previous statement: \(x + 10 > 10\). This is equivalent to \(x > 0\) which is satisfied by the precondition.

    We can annotate the program with assertions to make it clearer.

          {x > 0}
          x = x + 10
          {x > 10}
          x = 2*x
          {x > 20}

Question 2

What is the weakest precondition \(P\) that satisfies the following Hoare triple?

\( \{P\} \; x := max(x, y) \; \{x = y\} \)


Substitute the right-hand side, i.e., \(max(x, y)\), of the assignment for the left-hand side, i.e., \(x\), in the postcondition, i.e., \(x = y\) to get:

\( max(x, y) = y \) which simplifies to:

\( x \leq y \)

The answer is \(P \equiv (x \leq y)\), and we have the following Hoare triple:

\( \{x \leq y\} \; x := max(x, y) \; \{x = y\} \)


Is the following a correct Hoare triple?

\( \{(x \leq 0) \wedge (y \geq 0)\} \; x := max(x, y) \; \{x = y\} \)


Yes because \((x \leq 0) \wedge (y \geq 0)\) is stronger than the precondition \(x \leq y\), i.e.,

\( [((x \leq 0) \wedge (y \geq 0)) \quad \Rightarrow \quad (x \leq y)] \)

K. Mani Chandy, Emeritus Simon Ramo Professor, California Institute of Technology