Distributed Algorithms Contents Index

Global Snapshots: Review

Answer these questions to review the webpage on the global snapshot algorithm.
  1. What can agents in a distributed operating system do?
  2. The global snapshot algorithm uses messages called markers. Are these messages visible to clients of the distributed OS?
  3. What is a global snapshot? How is it different from a local snapshot?
  4. Show how the global snapshot rule follows from properties of cuts.
  5. Consider a system consisting of two agents \(x\) and \(y\) and channels in both directions between them. What is the sequence of actions of the global snapshot algorithm if (i) only \(x\) initiates the algorithm and (ii) both \(x\) and \(y\) initiate the algorithm? Are the snapshots necessarily identical? Necessarily different?
  6. Let's look at the system in the previous question. Suppose an invariant of the system is that there is always a message in the channel \((x, y)\). If \(x\) initiates the algorithm and \(y\) takes its local snapshot when it receives a marker from \(x\) then the state of channel \((x, y)\) recorded by the algorithm is the empty sequence. Isn't that an error because the invariant tells us that the state of the channel cannot be the empty sequence?


Next, strategies for developing algorithms that use global snapshots and examples of applications of global snapshots and cuts.

A code skeleton of the algorithm and examples of the global snapshot algorithm are provided here.

Frequently Asked Questions


K. Mani Chandy, Emeritus Simon Ramo Professor, California Institute of Technology