Distributed Algorithms Contents Index

Nondeterministic Iteration

This module reviews nondeterminism in the form of do-od loops. The module describes states, transitions, and their graph representations.

do-od loops

A do-od loop consists of a set of guarded commands. A guarded command consists of a guard and a command with the syntax:
guard -> command
The execution of the do-od loop is as follows: Execute any guarded command of the loop for which the guard evaluates to True. Execution of the loop terminates when all guards evaluate to False.

Nondeterministic Executions

Most programming languages are deterministic; in a deterministic language the next statement to be executed is uniquely determined by the current state of the program. By contrast, a do-od loop is nondeterministic --- the next statement to be executed can be any guarded command with a true guard. So, different executions of the same do-od loop may execute commands in different orders and result in different outputs.

Example: Sorting

Let \(X\) be an array of \(N\) numbers. The following loop sorts the array in ascending order. (We assume that indices start at 0.)
for all i where 0 < i < N:
   X[i-1] > X[i]   ->    X[i-1], X[i] = X[i], X[i-1]
The loop has \(N-1\) guarded commands, where the i-th command is:
X[i-1] > X[i]   ->    X[i-1], X[i] = X[i], X[i-1]
Execution of the loop proceeds by flipping any adjacent pair of elements that is out of order. Execution terminates when every adjacent pair is in order.

States and Transitions in do-od Loops

The state of a do-od loop is given by the values of its variables. The execution of a guarded command, whose guard evaluates to true, may change values of variables, and thus cause a transition from one state to another. There are no transitions from a state in which the guards of all commands are false. If the guards of multiple commands are true in a state \(s\) then there can be transitions from \(s\) to multiple different states; any of these transitions from \(s\) could be taken.


Consider a do-od loop that sorts an array \(x[0, 1, 2, 3]\) in increasing order by flipping adjacent out-of-order pairs. The loop has a guarded command for each adjacent pair of elements; the guard evaluates to true when the pair is out of order, and the command switches the pair.

If \(x =[10, 5, 1]\) then one of two commands can be executed: either flip \(x[0], x[1]\) or flip \(x[1], x[2]\). The state-transition graph has edges from state \(x =[10, 5, 1]\) to state \(x =[5, 10, 1]\) and to state \(x =[10, 1, 5]\).

Graph Representation of States and Transitions

The states and state transitions of a system are represented by a directed graph in which vertices represent states and edges represent transitions. We call this graph the state-transition graph.

A computation is a sequence of states where there exists a transition from each state in the sequence to the next state of the sequence. A computation is represented by a path through the state-transition graph.

In this chapter, we treat the following as equivalent: vertex and state, edge and state transition, computation and path.


  1. What is a do-od loop? What does nondeterministic execution mean?
  2. What are states of a program? How are states and transitions represented as graphs?

K. Mani Chandy, Emeritus Simon Ramo Professor, California Institute of Technology