Distributed systems consists of agents that communicate with each other by sending and receiving messages. Distributed systems are ubiquitous. Cryptocurrencies are based on agents that both compete and collaborate by sending and receiving messages. The power grid is a distributed system with information from power generators, energy markets, and substations. Agents in multiplayer games communicate by sending messages.
The website describes algorithms used in distributed systems. The website is restricted to algorithms and does not describe system architecture and implementation.
This website enables readers develop algorithms on their own. The website describes key ideas and algorithm specifications and then provides structures that helps readers to design algorithms for themselves.
Each algorithm is described succinctly in a webpage. Examples, detailed descriptions, and links to related material are provided in additional webpages.
This website is used in a course taken by undergraduates. Elementary graph theory is the only prerequisite.
K. Mani Chandy, Emeritus Simon Ramo Professor, California Institute of Technology